Study shows coworking increases wellbeing and satisfaction

A study by Marko Orel, Martin Lukes, and Jan Zouhar, published in the Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development in June 2024, sheds light on how coworking spaces play a pivotal role in supporting remotely working micro-entrepreneurs. Let’s delve into the key findings and practical implications from this insightful research.
Our Favourite Things To Do in Prado del Rey

This post shares our favourite restaurants, cheeses, bakery, outdoor activities, and more. Prado del Rey and the Sierra de Grazalema have a lot to offer. These recommendations are just a tiny personal taster.
Rural Coworking in Spain

The world of rural coworking in Spain is humming. New innovative spaces are regularly opening their doors, and non-profits are busy advocating for the support and development of rural coworking, knowing the benefits it can bring. This post aims to be a well-maintained collection of resources and news related to rural coworking in Spain.
9 Reasons Why Prado Del Rey is the Best Village in the Sierra De Cadiz to Locate Your Small Business

Prado del Rey is a charming town located in the heart of the Sierra de Cadiz in Spain. With its picturesque countryside and vibrant local community of around 6,000 inhabitants, it’s no wonder that this town is attracting more and more businesses looking to relocate to the area. Here are 9 reasons why Prado del Rey is the best town in the Sierra de Cadiz to relocate your business to.
6 Tips to Improve Your Productivity

Some people are naturally more productive than others. They seem to have a natural approach that helps them get things done in record time. Sometimes, it takes a little more work and planning to stay on top of our tasks for the rest of us. Work-life balance is one of the most critical aspects of achieving a harmonious life. Without that balance, it’s hard to be productive and thrive in the projects you want to build. This blog post will show you practical, actionable tips that will help you improve productivity to achieve a better work-life balance. Some of them are simple changes, while others require a bit more work. However, they all have the potential to change your life.
7 Essential Tips for a Successful Networking Strategy

Networking is an essential part of what we do for our businesses and careers. Networking can be done in your office building, on the street corner, at events, or even in places as random as the supermarket line. It doesn’t matter where you are because all it takes to network is one person who knows their goal and another willing to listen.
What is a Freelancer? Complete Guide

Freelancing is a type of work in which a person is self-employed and works independently for one or more customers providing a professional service generally based on the knowledge economy and digital skills. Freelancers usually work remotely from their home or a collaborative office. They are not employees of any company, work on their terms and conditions, and usually have a flexible schedule.
Adapting the workplace to your needs: Types of Coworking

Since the recent boom of coworking spaces, more and more people are looking for a flexible working environment that meets their needs. The modern workplace is in a time of change. The traditional 9-5 office work, with the cubicle in the corner, has been replaced by more flexible arrangements that can meet the diverse needs of coworkers.
Coworking: what is it and how does it work?
Coworking is a way of working that involves sharing the same workspace that usually includes desks, conference rooms and spaces for relaxing. The idea behind coworking is that professionals, freelancers, entrepreneurs, any remote worker often work better in an office environment with other people around them to share ideas and collaborate. It’s also much more affordable than renting a private space.